Genealogical Research in Ukraine

Step-by-step research based on documents with information about your ancestors.
Each step is a study of 5 historical documents that may contain information about your ancestors.


Ancestor names
surname, proper name, patronymic name*, maiden name** of ancestor
Date of birth
year or date of birth.
Place of birth / residence
place of birth or place of residence.
Social status
social estate or class, occupation.
ancestor's confession.
Family ties
family ties*** (information about spouses, parents, siblings and other relatives).
* patronymic name is not always displayed in archival documents. For men, patronymic names are practically absent in documents of the XVII - mid XVIII century. For women, the patronymic name was often not indicated in documents of the XVIII - mid XIX century.
** maiden name for women can not always be established during the study. For example, archival birth records (especially for the 1860s - 1930s) are much better preserved than marriage records.
*** family ties may not always be established during the genealogical research, since the ancestor could be the only child in the family, his brothers / sisters could not live to a conscious age (due to the high infant mortality in those times) and not leave significant historical information about themselves.


Copies of archival records
copies of archival documents (in electronic / digital form, pdf files) with information about your ancestors.
Family history report
a report (in electronic / digital form, pdf files) outlining the texts of archival documents with comments and explanations to it.
Pedigree chart
a pedigree chart (in electronic / digital form, pdf files) showing family ties, lineages and kinship.
Family tree
a designed family tree (in the final step of research) in digital form, ready to print in any nearest print shop (size A0, pdf and ai file format).

Examples of archival documents

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